Monday 5 November 2012

.Computer Graphics 2 (Week 1).


We have new lecturer for this subject.
He's not as cool as Mr.Ramlan, but I think he's fine.

He didn't use MMU's learning system. Which we call MMLS.
He use his own website. I think its wordpress or something..
But its cool.

I love his dialect. He's like speaking english in Kelantanese dialect.
Its quite funny to hear.

Well, here is the website.
But I guess only registered can open it.

Computer Graphics 2


.Figure Drawing (Week 1).


On the first day, we have to draw a real person.
Mr Hanafiah has prepared us two male model.

"Don't worry.. Our model are not naked. They wear clothes."

As what he said.

But unfortunately, some moron has stole my phone memory card and I have lost the picture of my drawing.
Don't mind that.. It wasn't good, anyway..


Tuesday 23 October 2012

.Creative Photography 1 (Week 1).


The first class for Creative Photography was quite fun.
Che Mad  has opened my eyes a bit wider about observing and translate things into element of design.
It was such a useful advise.

When we compose elements on our picture, everything should have meaning. If it doesn't have meaning, then don't put it there. People will read the image. When they when through the album, they will only stop at the picture that attract them. As Photographer, we must MAKE a photograph. Then it would called as Photograph. But if we just TAKE a photograph, it's called a Snapshot.

About subject placement, we have to use 'The Rule of Third' to create a beautiful picture. Other than that, we can try to off-center the subject and try to balance the picture.

Che Mad suggest us to read poetry to get the feeling and create a picture in our mind.
He also want us to be kids again. Because serious people are not creative.
That explains why I have lost my creativity.. I have started to know 'things'. As a kid, we only saw lines, shapes, colors etc which is element of design. So I need to start being a kid again.

Drawing is about 'Addition'. In drawing, we must input everything. But Photography is about 'Subtraction'. We only show what we want to show.

Horizon. If it horizontal, make it horizontal. If it vertical, make it vertical. And if it diagonal, make it PERFECTLY diagonal. It is to make sure the picture look intentional, not a mistake.

Keep It Simple Stupid!


And by the way, Che Mad left us some assignment.
We have to take a pictures of doll, using the Creative Composition he teaches us.
Im planning to use my Hatsune Miku figure doll.
So lets meet again next week and see what Che Mad would say about Miku.


Monday 22 October 2012

.Creative English (Week 1).


Once again, Miss Shaliza want us to form a group.
There's a lot of assignment she have given to us on the first day.

But then I got a new group member.

They are such a cool person.
I actually didn't like these people on the real life.
And the reason I didn't like them are just because they were so good. So much better than me.

But to be professional, Im looking for a group member that can give me an A.
And I trust them.
So my new group member for english class are..

Amanina : She have a fluent english.
Ai : She have the fluent english too. Both of them are too much better than me.
Shahir nfs : He's so much good at making video. That beats me.
Aida : She's good in acting and dancing. Of course she's better than me.

All of them are good at the things I love. But they did so much better than I am.
That's the reason I didn't like them. The jealousy.
But I trust them. And Im pretty sure that I can improve my skills if I keep sticking up with them.

Almost forgotten, we have two Shahir in our group.
So the next Shahir : I didn't like him for no reason.


.Creative Studies (Week 1).


The first class for the subject Creative Studies.

There's not much to talk about it, but we are required to create a blog as assignment.
So this is my blog..

Lee's Creative Studies


.Subject For Trimester 2.


Here come Trimester 2.

And this is the subject I'll be taking for this trimester.



.Trimester 1 Result.


This is my final result for trimester 1.

Im quite satisfied that I could pass the 3 pointer.
But it's still not enough for me.

My comment :

Computer Graphics 1
That feel of relief when Mr Ramlan accepted my poster and give me B+.

Life Drawing
I have no idea how would my drawing get an A-. I thought it would be B or C..

General English
Im a little bit disappointed for my english result. I always expecting an A for my english.

Media Appreciation
It was quite a relief that I could pass this subject. Even thought it was just B- , its a jackpot for me.

Basic Photography
I think B is enough. I dont deserve an A for my assignment. But when I get B-, it was so sad.

Visual Research and Communication
B is quite good for me. It suit my effort on the subject.

So far I can be proud of my self that I never thought I can do it.
But I promise to keep it harder on the next trimester. (which has already started)


Friday 28 September 2012

.Visual Research and Communication 1 Final Project.


Brace yourself!!

Because this is my final project for VRC.
There's so much work to do for it.

First, we have to decide a movie to study based on our own culture.
Clearly I have to pick a malay movie.

I choose Cun.

Then we have to screen shoot about 8 of an interesting scenes on the movie.
Next, manipulate the picture using the screen shoots and put a flat color effect. We need 3 of it.

Then choose one of the composition and adjust its color scheme. We need three color schemes.




And the last one, we have to choose one of the color schemes and transfer it into a canvas.

Empty canvas. Actually no. It was just an over exposures picture.
But this is pretty much how my empty canvas looks like.

.Just a rough sketch.

.Add some detail.


Done. That was quite a sad look for me.


.Visual Research and Communication 1 Asg 5.



We have to look for artwork on internet, trace it in illustrator.
Then fill it with colors.

.Original Artwork.

Analogous. Yep! This one got rejected.
But I don't have time to do the new one because Im to busy for the final project.
And I don't really understand analogous that time.
What a sad..

 Cool. I hope I didn't make a mistake on the green.

Complementary. It looks jingle bell-ing.




.Life Drawing Final Project.


This time, we are no longer drawing using pencil or charcoal.
We use oil pastel.

And not on A3 or A2 size paper.
But on a board. Of course we have to buy it.
It was such a waste to me.

But this is mine.

I think secondary school can do better than me.

It looks different isn't it?
Silly me..


.Visual Research and Communication 1 Asg 4.



Im trying to make a leaf and put more detail. But Madam Sri said it looks like tree branch.
Well, thats okay.

This was actually rejected. Madam Elyna said, no snowflakes. But I forgot to do the new one before submit.

This one almost get rejected. Then Madam Elyna said this was fine.


.Life Drawing Asg 4.


Mr Ramlan put a few geomatric shapes and put few direct light into it.

We have to draw it with a shading.
Im not that good in shading but it looks fine for my level.
Not university level, but my level.
I cant even do anything like this before

Finally it looks silly.
Its look kind of beautiful from far.
That explains when lecture are giving a good response on my drawing while looking at it from her table.
She thought its beautiful. = ="


.Computer Graphic Final Project.


We need to do a poster with 5 characters on it.
We are allowed to use the previous characters we created.

But he didn't seems to like it.
Maybe because I forgot the 'Coming Soon' or the cast.


.Visual Research and Communication 1 Asg 3.



We just have to take our previous assignment and put some Value on it.

High Key, Low Key, Medium Key, High Contrast, Lead The Eye.


.Life Drawing Asg 3.



I don't really understand how to do it, so I just try my best.


.Computer Graphic Asg 3.


Mr Ramlan want us to create our very own character.

And this is all I can do.


.Visual Research and Communication 1 Asg 2.



We need to do the same thing as we did on line assignment.
But with the shape.

And this is mine.

Elegance, Peaceful, Congested, Tension, Playful, Comfort.


.Basic Photography Final Project.


This would be the final project for Basic Photography.


1st shoot : Teluk Kemang

It still early for sunset i guess. Its even so many people. I don't really like this place. It seriously got nothing. Not even coconut tree. It isn't interesting at all.

Its dawn a bit. I tried to play with some techniques Che Mat teaches me. But it still didn't satisfied me.

Then I went to the next beach at Port Dickson.

This is the best setting I can get from this beach. Then I just need to wait the sun to set a bit more, and hopping well there's some boat will pass by.

Aaaaannnddd its gone.

Suddenly a cloud popped and hold back the beautiful sunset light.
Its not my luck, anyway..

2nd shoot : Pantai Puteri

I seriously love this setting!
At first I thought that I just need to wait for the sun to set a bit more to get that orange-ish and beautiful warm color.

Aaaannnnddd the same thing happen. The cloud just washed away my sunset.

On the consultation day, I thought Che Mat would ask me to "Shoot again!".


He proceeded!!!!

I have no idea why he likes this picture very much.
It didn't satisfied me at all.
The sun didn't even set.

I even tried to crop the picture and remove that silhouette people.
Then my classmate said, just wait for Che Mat's comment first.

And he's reaction was like.
"I like this picture.. bla.. bla.. bla.. ada orang lagi.."

And I was like..

Well never-mind, he proceeded anyway..


.General English Summary.


We have some test.
A summary.

On that day, it was held on Multipurpose Hall.
It was my mistake that I didn't read the venue on MMLS so I thought it will be held on our class.

I've been in class and there's only few guys of my class waiting for lecturer.
The rest which is about 20 people was not my classmate.

Only then I realized that I was on the wrong class.
Then I ask my classmate to call somebody as we have lost.


Finally we are in the MPH.
I was so late for the test. But I thought that Miss Shaliza may give us some extra time.
I try my best to do the summary but I only use just a few minute to finish it.

The others that come earlier than me are still writing.
That's make me worry if I've done any mistake or I'm to taking it simple.

I've tried to look for something else to write, but it was summary.
There's a range for a words.

I have nothing else to do so I just pass my paper to Miss Shaliza and went out.

When I get back to my room and check the MMLS, yes. Its writen there.
The venue was MPH.

And there's a note.

"No extra time for late comer."

By the way, here's the result.


Thursday 27 September 2012

.Life Drawing Asg 2.


We need to draw a tree.
Thats bad. For me.

But the worse is, we need to draw just the outline.

It was so ugly and I didn't take a picture of it.

Mr Hanafiah said that it was okay to have a funny result.
But it disappointing me a lot.


.Computer Graphic Asg 2.



Mr Ramlan want us to take any 5 pictures and trace it into a silhouette.
Well, thats a shape.

He gave a list of theme.
Sports, Party, Martial Arts and the other stuff.

It was A3 size if not mistaken.
Then we have to put all of it WITH COMPOSITION.

I forgot to take a picture, so as I was a photographer in SMKTTJ, I have a bunch of pictures on sport days.

This is what I did.

Just for the bowling girl, I googled it because I cant find any suitable picture for the last one.
And I forgot to flip the 2nd picture. = ="
Even the bowling girl was mirrored.


.Visual Research and Communication 1 Asg 1.



The first assignment is about Line.
Just like the other art school, we need to do some line that represent feeling.
Madam Sri gave us a list of line we must create.

And this is what they proceeded.

It was Stability, Gentleness, Elegance, Serenity, Tension and Negativity.


.Basic Photography Asg 1.


Motion Studies & Depth of Field

I already posted this on .Bakelite Galeria.

But never mind that..

Che Mat gave us the first assignment but we are required to take two type of picture,
which each type of it, we are suppose to take another two picture.

Total = 4

We must use manual control.
Shutter Speed & Aperture

For shutter speed, he want us to take a picture of Waterfall..

So this is what he proceeded.

.Implying Motion.

Its easier to take this picture in a dim environment.

.Stopping Motion.

 Its best to get captured on the bright day.

For the Aperture assignment, we need a talent.
Che Mat want us to take any picture of our talent use the biggest aperture and the smallest aperture.

For this assignment, I have to shoot twice.
It is because he didn't proceed the first shoot.

 .My talent also get blurred.

.Aaaand this isn't sharp enough.

.Well this if fine.. but..

This is not blur enough!!!! Just take a look of the grass. 

So it got rejected.. Those pictures look fine to me. But the effect wasn't that good.

.Both of this picture was fine. My lecture thinks so.

He rejected this also.
Because he didn't like the place.

And yes.. Re-shoot.

I cant find anything to shoot.

Then my talent was just walking around to help me find some idea.
He got tired a bit so he just sit beside water fountain.

And then I was like..

So this is the result..

Its already dawn.. In just a few blink of eyes, ITS NIGHT.
And I didn't take any picture.

Actually Im just planning to keep this picture for my personal collection.
I didn't even think about submitting this.

So clearly, I dont have any picture.
On the next day, I have no other choice but printing this pictures. And the waterfall.

And for the reason I didn't know, he accepted this candid picture.

Well, that's all my journey to complete my assignment.
Next week he gonna give us the next assignment.
Get prepare guys..

And farewell..
