Thursday 27 September 2012

.Basic Photography Asg 1.


Motion Studies & Depth of Field

I already posted this on .Bakelite Galeria.

But never mind that..

Che Mat gave us the first assignment but we are required to take two type of picture,
which each type of it, we are suppose to take another two picture.

Total = 4

We must use manual control.
Shutter Speed & Aperture

For shutter speed, he want us to take a picture of Waterfall..

So this is what he proceeded.

.Implying Motion.

Its easier to take this picture in a dim environment.

.Stopping Motion.

 Its best to get captured on the bright day.

For the Aperture assignment, we need a talent.
Che Mat want us to take any picture of our talent use the biggest aperture and the smallest aperture.

For this assignment, I have to shoot twice.
It is because he didn't proceed the first shoot.

 .My talent also get blurred.

.Aaaand this isn't sharp enough.

.Well this if fine.. but..

This is not blur enough!!!! Just take a look of the grass. 

So it got rejected.. Those pictures look fine to me. But the effect wasn't that good.

.Both of this picture was fine. My lecture thinks so.

He rejected this also.
Because he didn't like the place.

And yes.. Re-shoot.

I cant find anything to shoot.

Then my talent was just walking around to help me find some idea.
He got tired a bit so he just sit beside water fountain.

And then I was like..

So this is the result..

Its already dawn.. In just a few blink of eyes, ITS NIGHT.
And I didn't take any picture.

Actually Im just planning to keep this picture for my personal collection.
I didn't even think about submitting this.

So clearly, I dont have any picture.
On the next day, I have no other choice but printing this pictures. And the waterfall.

And for the reason I didn't know, he accepted this candid picture.

Well, that's all my journey to complete my assignment.
Next week he gonna give us the next assignment.
Get prepare guys..

And farewell..


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