Tuesday 23 October 2012

.Creative Photography 1 (Week 1).


The first class for Creative Photography was quite fun.
Che Mad  has opened my eyes a bit wider about observing and translate things into element of design.
It was such a useful advise.

When we compose elements on our picture, everything should have meaning. If it doesn't have meaning, then don't put it there. People will read the image. When they when through the album, they will only stop at the picture that attract them. As Photographer, we must MAKE a photograph. Then it would called as Photograph. But if we just TAKE a photograph, it's called a Snapshot.

About subject placement, we have to use 'The Rule of Third' to create a beautiful picture. Other than that, we can try to off-center the subject and try to balance the picture.

Che Mad suggest us to read poetry to get the feeling and create a picture in our mind.
He also want us to be kids again. Because serious people are not creative.
That explains why I have lost my creativity.. I have started to know 'things'. As a kid, we only saw lines, shapes, colors etc which is element of design. So I need to start being a kid again.

Drawing is about 'Addition'. In drawing, we must input everything. But Photography is about 'Subtraction'. We only show what we want to show.

Horizon. If it horizontal, make it horizontal. If it vertical, make it vertical. And if it diagonal, make it PERFECTLY diagonal. It is to make sure the picture look intentional, not a mistake.

Keep It Simple Stupid!


And by the way, Che Mad left us some assignment.
We have to take a pictures of doll, using the Creative Composition he teaches us.
Im planning to use my Hatsune Miku figure doll.
So lets meet again next week and see what Che Mad would say about Miku.


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