Tuesday 23 October 2012

.Creative Photography 1 (Week 1).


The first class for Creative Photography was quite fun.
Che Mad  has opened my eyes a bit wider about observing and translate things into element of design.
It was such a useful advise.

When we compose elements on our picture, everything should have meaning. If it doesn't have meaning, then don't put it there. People will read the image. When they when through the album, they will only stop at the picture that attract them. As Photographer, we must MAKE a photograph. Then it would called as Photograph. But if we just TAKE a photograph, it's called a Snapshot.

About subject placement, we have to use 'The Rule of Third' to create a beautiful picture. Other than that, we can try to off-center the subject and try to balance the picture.

Che Mad suggest us to read poetry to get the feeling and create a picture in our mind.
He also want us to be kids again. Because serious people are not creative.
That explains why I have lost my creativity.. I have started to know 'things'. As a kid, we only saw lines, shapes, colors etc which is element of design. So I need to start being a kid again.

Drawing is about 'Addition'. In drawing, we must input everything. But Photography is about 'Subtraction'. We only show what we want to show.

Horizon. If it horizontal, make it horizontal. If it vertical, make it vertical. And if it diagonal, make it PERFECTLY diagonal. It is to make sure the picture look intentional, not a mistake.

Keep It Simple Stupid!


And by the way, Che Mad left us some assignment.
We have to take a pictures of doll, using the Creative Composition he teaches us.
Im planning to use my Hatsune Miku figure doll.
So lets meet again next week and see what Che Mad would say about Miku.


Monday 22 October 2012

.Creative English (Week 1).


Once again, Miss Shaliza want us to form a group.
There's a lot of assignment she have given to us on the first day.

But then I got a new group member.

They are such a cool person.
I actually didn't like these people on the real life.
And the reason I didn't like them are just because they were so good. So much better than me.

But to be professional, Im looking for a group member that can give me an A.
And I trust them.
So my new group member for english class are..

Amanina : She have a fluent english.
Ai : She have the fluent english too. Both of them are too much better than me.
Shahir nfs : He's so much good at making video. That beats me.
Aida : She's good in acting and dancing. Of course she's better than me.

All of them are good at the things I love. But they did so much better than I am.
That's the reason I didn't like them. The jealousy.
But I trust them. And Im pretty sure that I can improve my skills if I keep sticking up with them.

Almost forgotten, we have two Shahir in our group.
So the next Shahir : I didn't like him for no reason.


.Creative Studies (Week 1).


The first class for the subject Creative Studies.

There's not much to talk about it, but we are required to create a blog as assignment.
So this is my blog..

Lee's Creative Studies


.Subject For Trimester 2.


Here come Trimester 2.

And this is the subject I'll be taking for this trimester.



.Trimester 1 Result.


This is my final result for trimester 1.

Im quite satisfied that I could pass the 3 pointer.
But it's still not enough for me.

My comment :

Computer Graphics 1
That feel of relief when Mr Ramlan accepted my poster and give me B+.

Life Drawing
I have no idea how would my drawing get an A-. I thought it would be B or C..

General English
Im a little bit disappointed for my english result. I always expecting an A for my english.

Media Appreciation
It was quite a relief that I could pass this subject. Even thought it was just B- , its a jackpot for me.

Basic Photography
I think B is enough. I dont deserve an A for my assignment. But when I get B-, it was so sad.

Visual Research and Communication
B is quite good for me. It suit my effort on the subject.

So far I can be proud of my self that I never thought I can do it.
But I promise to keep it harder on the next trimester. (which has already started)
