Thursday 11 July 2013

.Visual Research & Communication 3 (Simplification).


We need to choose one state in Malaysia and promote it.
And we choose Penang.
My group mates are..
Liyana and Fazira.

First of all, we need to make a simplification of the buildings and stuffs that are popular in Penang.

This is what I've made.

.Komtar Building.

.Penang City Hall.

.St George Church.

This is what Liyana made.

.Penang Bridge.

.Dragon boat.



And this is Fazira's work..





.Creative Photography 2.


This is simple.
Che Mad want us to create a group and take just two picture for this trimester.
Product and Portrait.

So this is my group mates.
Aina (I trust her)
Faqihin (I din't know him very well)
Izyan (I didn't trust her, but she's fine)
Vince (He repeated this subject, but I trust him very well)
Loshini (She's fine..)

Here is the picture for Portrait

Our talent, Reanna.
She is so much talented. She got a tons of pose for us.
But somehow Che Mad love this CANDID picture.
= ="

By the way.. Our theme are
"Gothic but Traditional"
Weird. But I love it.

How can I say this..
I just love it.
It looks delicious, and attractive.


Friday 14 June 2013

.Creative Drawing (Final Artwork).


First of all, we need to choose a theme and make some research on it.
I choose the theme 'Love'. Ohh well..

This is my simple research
Portfolio - Love

This is the drawing  i made from this theme.

This is how i thought it would end up look like.

But the lecturer want me to adjust just a little bit of it.
So I write the word ai in Japanese which mean Love, and put some pattern.
Just a little bit.

This is a drawing about mother love.
Its actually a baby in her mother's womb, and the mother is hugging it.


.Creative Drawing (Flat Drawing with Value).


Just a flat drawing..

Put more lines and shapes.

And a value.


Well, I guess I just love this drawing..
For my level..


.Creative Drawing.


Just a revision for 'life drawing', our lecturers want us to draw a tree. Again.
So I just do it..


.Creative Drawing (Discussion).


This is a group assignment.
My group mate is..

Huey Ling

This is our Discussion


.Computer Graphics 3 (Final Asignment).


As I've mention..
We need to do a lyric video, and we have choose the song 'The Lazy Song' by Bruno Mars.

We did divide it into a few parts.

Huey Ling then combined it into one .fla file, and I edited it all to look consistence.

So here is our final work.

The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars


And by the way, we did draw the pictures ourselves.


I only have my drawing, because Im using AI to do it and save as .png.
The rest of my group mate got that kind of patients to draw it directly on flash.
Except that picture of Bruno in a blue suits, Fazira did it.
I use snipping tool to get that picture because i want to adjust her part, and make bruno jumps a bit on the book.


Saturday 8 June 2013

.Computer Graphics 3 (In-class exercises).


In-class exercises started on the 2nd week.
So this is all of my work.

Week 2
We are required to draw some picture using Flash. I can find flash are quite difficult to use as a drawing medium. It also not user friendly just like photoshop or illustrator.
However, this ----> Week2 is my work

Week 3
Okay, so we need to do any simple animation for just 5 seconds.
Here ----> Week3 is my work

Week 4
From our first drawing, we need to put a simple animation into it.
This ----> Week4 is mine.

Week 5
This time, we are required to put a sound in it.
Take a look at this ----> Week5

Week 6
The last in-class exercise. We'll use a coding a little bit.
Just put a start button in the animation.
----> Week6


Sunday 21 April 2013

.Computer Graphics 3.


We only have one assignment this trimester, which is our final assignment.
A lyric video, using Adobe Flash.

There's some song given to us and we have to choose one of it.
My group (Melting Crayon) choose the song The Lazy Song - Bruno Mars.

My group mate :

Tan Huey Ling (L)

That was so 1malaysia.


.Subject for Trimester 3.


Computer Graphics 3

Creative Drawing

Creative Photography 2

Visual Research and Communication 3


.Trimester 2 Result.


I guess I'll cry out loud looking at my result if I wasn't this strong.

I did really bad in Creative English exam.
I've dropped my CGPA.


.Trimester 2 Attendance.


Computer Graphic 2 tutorial was such a miserable.
Miss-communication everywhere.
There's always a rumors about class cancelled, but she ended-up still doing the class.
And it always only two students attending it because only they knew about it.

Yes, she did ask them to tell us about the truth that the class wasn't cancelled..
So that we can come to the class right away.
And yes, they did inform us. On Facebook!
Good job!

Another class is Figure Drawing.
I would never skipped any drawing class.
There's an assignment in every class, and a submittion on every next class.

Guess I forgot to sign the attendance form again.


.Trimester 1 Attendance .


I really didn't remember why I skip one class on Media Appreciation and General English class.
But I'm pretty sure that I never skipped Visual Research & Communication class. No way..
If I skipped one class, how can I finish my assignment?
There's a new assignment every week, and a submittion on every next week.

Guess I forgot to sign the attendance form.


.Visual Research & Communication 2 (Illustration Board).


We need to choose 1 song.
Next we have to draw something on illustration board using any medium we want, while listening to the  song.

I choose..

We're not gonna take it - Twisted Sister.

And, I cant find the picture of it.
It wasn't that good, because it didn't turn out as what I expect.

But they still didn't allow me to take it home.


.Visual Research & Communication 2 (Clay).


I've lost the picture of my clay.
I only found its latest look when it's already collapse.

Until now, they still didn't allow me to bring it back home.
Because they say this model have it own value.
Oh man..

Well, It was sad to see this happen to my artwork.


.Visual Research & Communication 2 (Final Studies).



A mind map of a mind map of a mind map.

From our previous mind-map, we have to choose one section and make another mind-map of it.

I choose my favorite animal.
Next I need to take one animal and make another mind-map of it.

I choose Bat.
So this is the mind-map of it.

Next, an analytical of Bat.
Front and side view of bat's head.
Bat wing.
Bat teethes.

Back and front view of Bat.


I really love this part.

My first composition.
I choose dominance as Principle of Design.
And Mysterious as theme.

The new Composition.
I choose Balance as Principle of Design.
And stay the same theme, which is Mysterious.

The stand Im using for my mannequin.

The Final Design.

Should I explain my final design?

Naaahh.. I'll just explain it.

This mannequin is representing me.
Just like what our project should be. 'Reflection of Identity'.

So this is my dream.
But not just a normal dream.
A dream that I cant have.
Just like this mannequin, I want to me a vampire. (But I cant, for sure)

This mannequin is quite taller than me. Which mean this is how I wish I could be when I grow up.
That would be someday (I wish). But I don't know when. So It represent the future me.
It has no face, because of the same reason. That I don't know how would I look like when I grow up.

One wrist? It is to show that I am not perfect.
Well, I cant make only one feet.
Feet representing something else in metaphor. So it will give a different meaning in my artwork.

Bigger hand.
It shows that I always want to make something beyond my limit.
(Just like this mannequin)

Bat wing.
If others wish to have a wings and fly like a bird, I really wish to have a bat wing.
Vampire is so much cool.

I don't give my mannequin any pair of shoes.
Because vampire didn't wear shoes.


Just like what I said about the dream I cant have.
We can see in my previous mind-map.
Everything looks ridiculous.
Because that is what I want but I cant have.


.Figure Drawing (Final).


Its quite hard for us because our model pulled out at the last minute.
He only showed up on the first week.
So I just draw anything that I can.

But still, it was such a bad drawing.


.Figure Drawing (Half Nude).


Im totally bad at drawing human figure, I guess..

At least I can draw a better cloth this time.
A tips from Huey Ling.

Oh my god..

Im kinda having a trouble drawing his feet.
Dr Ruzaimi help me by giving some tips, and I finally did it.


.Figure Drawing (Model).


This drawing was made on Alpha Day.
I guess this is the worst drawing I've made.

I hate everything about this drawing.


Thursday 14 February 2013

.Creative Photography Asg 2.




.Light Drawing.

.Traffic Trail.

This is all accepted.
I never thought of that..
Im about to cry when Che Mad returned my folder and smiled at me.
