Wednesday 13 February 2013

.Visual Research & Communication 2 (Mind Map).


Our task is to create a mind map about our self.
A creative mind map, I mean..

The requirement are only about the size of that mind-map.
Minimum A0, on any type of paper.
That was such a huge.

So I've bought 4 pieces of Mahjong paper and 2 pieces of A1 cartridge paper.
Madam E said that we may have to do more that just one Mind-map if our mind map got rejected.
So I did the first one on Mahjong paper first.

.Rough sketch.

.Done the first letter.

.My name has created of the 'canvas'.

.Gothic girl and some words on her top.

.A pair of bat's fingers behind her.
(and my backpack)

This is how i submitted my mind-map. Uncompleted of course. Madam E gave us some times to complete our mind-map.
But if we want to submit on that day, she can give us the mark.
The mark I've got for that day are B.
Of course I want an A.
So I did more.

.Completed the whole wings.

.Good side on her right wing.

.Bad side on her left wing.

.Vampire bite.

But nobody have any idea what was it.

.The first look of the gothic girl.

.Final look of the gothic girl.

.This is how I submitted.

But Madam E want me to add some background.

opss.. what was it?

This is the actual final look I submitted.


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