Thursday 14 February 2013

.Creative Photography Asg 2.




.Light Drawing.

.Traffic Trail.

This is all accepted.
I never thought of that..
Im about to cry when Che Mad returned my folder and smiled at me.


.Figure Drawing (Head).


I tried to draw my classmate (Alia).
But I end up drawing my other classmate (Julia).
So a lots of people said, "Hey your drawing looks like Julia without a hijab".

But I think that drawing from the side look like Alia a bit.
I want to draw Julia at the first place, but its too easy to draw a girl with hijab.
So I took a free hair girl.
But it still end up look like Julia 

.Face Expression.

Yes, I follow the tutorial from youtube.
But at least I draw it myself.
Im quite satisfied with it.
But I hope I can do more.


.Creative English (Role Play).


We need to make a role play.
This is a script that we made together.


It was awesome. I can swear it.
The play was awesome, our director (Amanina) was awesome and all of my team mate was AWESOME.

We made a very great play, everyone loves it.
Its a kind of thriller story. I can see the audience's face.
They feel terrified.

Even Ms Shaliza say it was psychotic.

This is the whole Coursework Mark

My mark was

Analysis            : 7
Movie Review  : 7
Role Play          : 16
Script                : 19
Total                 : 49

I am so not satisfied.


.Creative English (Presentation).


We have to make a group presentation about Home for Hari Raya short story.
I took the part 'Character'.

This is my Slide

I just make an empty slide, and our group leader will combine all of our slide.
Its true that in group work we need to make it together, not make our own slide and one person to combine it all.

But I think it makes no difference as only one person will be typing on the slide if we use the same slide at the first place.


Wednesday 13 February 2013

.Visual Research & Communication 2 (Mind Map).


Our task is to create a mind map about our self.
A creative mind map, I mean..

The requirement are only about the size of that mind-map.
Minimum A0, on any type of paper.
That was such a huge.

So I've bought 4 pieces of Mahjong paper and 2 pieces of A1 cartridge paper.
Madam E said that we may have to do more that just one Mind-map if our mind map got rejected.
So I did the first one on Mahjong paper first.

.Rough sketch.

.Done the first letter.

.My name has created of the 'canvas'.

.Gothic girl and some words on her top.

.A pair of bat's fingers behind her.
(and my backpack)

This is how i submitted my mind-map. Uncompleted of course. Madam E gave us some times to complete our mind-map.
But if we want to submit on that day, she can give us the mark.
The mark I've got for that day are B.
Of course I want an A.
So I did more.

.Completed the whole wings.

.Good side on her right wing.

.Bad side on her left wing.

.Vampire bite.

But nobody have any idea what was it.

.The first look of the gothic girl.

.Final look of the gothic girl.

.This is how I submitted.

But Madam E want me to add some background.

opss.. what was it?

This is the actual final look I submitted.


Friday 8 February 2013

.Computer Graphic 2 (Final).


I'll just compile all the assignment I've done in this subject in one entry.


In original picture, that green car wasn't there.


.Original Picture.

.Edited Version.


I didn't put the original picture because it's a freehair picture.


.Original Picture.

.Edited Version.


.Original Picture.

.A Little Bit Enhancement.

.Final Look.



.Figure Drawing (Week 2).


Skeleton time..

There's more picture on this skeleton.
But somehow I cant find it anywhere.


.Creative Photography 1 (Asg 1).


Here comes the loooooong post.

I've decided to take a picture of Hatsune Miku figurine I have.

This is the first shot.

.Leading Line.

"Busy background." He said. There's a trees, a houses, wires everywhere.
He cant even see the 'line' Im talking about.
It suppose to be the leaves. But..

.Foreground Frame.

"Too crowded". That explains why is it


"No. I didn't see the reflection."

.Foreground Frame.2

"Busy Background. The stick does not seems like it's in front the subject."


"It suppose to be bright background and black subject. This is not silhouette."




"Now this got an idea. I like this one."
I can feel the relief.. Until..

"What is this? And This? And This?"

Did you see the black spot he's talking about?
If you did, well done.
If you didn't, he did.

Second Wave

.Leading Line.

He cant see the line.

.Leading Line.2

This one is better. But he want me to re-shoot and turn the figurine, so he can see the face.


The wall is too dirty


"Too dark."

Third Wave of Figurine Shooting.


"If we can see the subject clearly, why do we need the reflection?"

.Foreground Frame.

"All I can see is the bridge behind."

Final Wave




I just crop the picture to hide that black spot

.Foreground Frame.



I just enhance the color and create a silhouette.

.Leading Line.




I almost kill myself for this assignment.
