Thursday 11 July 2013

.Visual Research & Communication 3 (Simplification).


We need to choose one state in Malaysia and promote it.
And we choose Penang.
My group mates are..
Liyana and Fazira.

First of all, we need to make a simplification of the buildings and stuffs that are popular in Penang.

This is what I've made.

.Komtar Building.

.Penang City Hall.

.St George Church.

This is what Liyana made.

.Penang Bridge.

.Dragon boat.



And this is Fazira's work..





.Creative Photography 2.


This is simple.
Che Mad want us to create a group and take just two picture for this trimester.
Product and Portrait.

So this is my group mates.
Aina (I trust her)
Faqihin (I din't know him very well)
Izyan (I didn't trust her, but she's fine)
Vince (He repeated this subject, but I trust him very well)
Loshini (She's fine..)

Here is the picture for Portrait

Our talent, Reanna.
She is so much talented. She got a tons of pose for us.
But somehow Che Mad love this CANDID picture.
= ="

By the way.. Our theme are
"Gothic but Traditional"
Weird. But I love it.

How can I say this..
I just love it.
It looks delicious, and attractive.
