Monday 5 November 2012

.Computer Graphics 2 (Week 1).


We have new lecturer for this subject.
He's not as cool as Mr.Ramlan, but I think he's fine.

He didn't use MMU's learning system. Which we call MMLS.
He use his own website. I think its wordpress or something..
But its cool.

I love his dialect. He's like speaking english in Kelantanese dialect.
Its quite funny to hear.

Well, here is the website.
But I guess only registered can open it.

Computer Graphics 2


.Figure Drawing (Week 1).


On the first day, we have to draw a real person.
Mr Hanafiah has prepared us two male model.

"Don't worry.. Our model are not naked. They wear clothes."

As what he said.

But unfortunately, some moron has stole my phone memory card and I have lost the picture of my drawing.
Don't mind that.. It wasn't good, anyway..
